PARK CARP........

A few weeks back i decided to fish the local park water, me getting down with the kids urban angling hahaaaaa,  for a few hours early one morning as after my trip to the syndicate i thought it would be nice to catch a carp so i,d remember what they were like.

I,m really not a lover of fishing this type of water as there is just too many people around for my liking, but having walked the lake quite a bit with the dogs over the years i thought i,d give it a go. It is a pretty little lake and well kept, just up the road from where i live and has a good head of carp so was an ideal venue to brush off the cobwebs. Also i wanted to try zig fishing and this seemed an ideal place for this technique as i,ve seen carp swimming sub surface on most of my visits.

 Having arrived at first light i set up in a swim with easy access to fish a small island in front. One rod to the near margins with a small stick and bottom bait and the other rod out to the margins of the island. Nothing happened for an hour or so until i had a missed run on the margin rod followed by a screaming run on the zig rod. This resulted in a beautifully scaled, although gammy mouthed, mirror carp of around 12lb which initially got tangled in someones snapped off tackle which was still connected to a tree on the island. Eventually after a lot of commotion i landed the fish, quite chuffed i was too as it was the first time i,d used the zig method and i,d caught on it.

I stayed for another hour but the swim was dead, probably due to the commotion of the mirror i,d just caught. I,d enjoyed my few hours fishing and learnt a bit about fishing a new, to me anyway,  method for carp. I left just as the sun was getting warmer and  the lake was getting busier with more anglers arriving and families out for an early sunday morning walk.

Croissants and coffee picked up on the way home for brekkie, my fishing itch scratched and the rest of the day ahead of me.

Top banana.........


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