Its been a hard week at work this week and i,m knackered. Couple that with the fact that my better half is working away for the week and i have to look after and walk the dogs as well as keep the house tidy etc, i am well and truly fooked. Its actually 8.30pm as i write this on my laptop and i,m tucked up in bed with the dogs snuggled up next to me. What a lightweight !!!!!!!!!

I could of gone fishing this afternoon as i finished early enough but i was too knackered so sat on the sofa watching a series i recorded from sky called Ultimate Fishing Experience, i think thats what its called. Its a rather over enthusiastic chap from New Zealand who was fishing for great white sharks, then striped marlin followed by giant swordbills. All good adrenaline pumping stuff. This got me day dreamimg about the places i,ve fished abroad and the species i,ve caught.

I,ve done the carp fishing in France three times now, once on a small lake in the Loire valley region which was actually not particularly productive resulting in carp to upper doubles and catfish just into double figures, mind you the temperatures everyday were well up in the 30,s. Second time was at Le Lac Fishabil which was a real arm wrenching trip seeing me catch numerous carp to mid 30,s as well as a grass carp of 52.5lbs, a real beast, as well as sturgeon to upper doubles and catfish to 67lb. I really enjoyed this trip with two of my friends who also had a good run of fish. The third time was when i visited a friend who had been living in a small town called Buchaire at the meeting point of two large rivers, the name of which i can,t remember. Here we fished of the back of his houseboat and had carp upto low 30lbs on bread, sweetcorn and dog biscuits.

I,ve been to Estonia twice on exploratory predator trips arranged my good friend Allan from Predator People. Unfortunately the fishing was very poor on both the weekly trips we made, primarily  we think because the locals are quite poor and its their culture to eat everything they catch. The company and local nightlife was what made these trips so much fun. A word to the wise, be careful of their local vodka as it could strip paint let alone the insides of your throat....

I,ve had a week in Norway after the Yeda, or is it Jeda, either way we call them pike. That was an experience fishing from boats on a huge inland fyord. I,ve been informed that this fyord housed the island on which dozens of teenagers were shot recently. Anyways the fishing was pretty good but unfortunately didn,t result in any big fish coming to our rods. Beautiful surroundings though with our cabin being right on the waters edge.

I,ve just recently got back from The Carribean where i had a fortnights holiday and whilst there i had a days deep sea trolling in hope of a monster palaegic species but only ended up with a couple of tiddlers. That was a bit of an anti climax but none the less enjoyable and a new experience.

Jewel in the crown though was when i had a fortnight fishing on Rowan Lake in Ontario Canada. Now that was out of this world, we landed on the lake in a tiny sea plane and stayed on a tiny island in a log cabin for the duration of our trip. The fishing was fantastic with numerous Northern Pike to low doubles, Large Mouth Bass which fight like animals, Big Lake Trout taken from fishing below 50ft deep and i even managed two muskies to 19lb. The wild life was amazing with the sound of wolves howling on many nights and always the chance of seeing a bear or two roaming the lakes banks. I,ll write about it properly one day as it was simply out of this world and the memories from there will stay with me for a long time.

Well i,m going to end here and lay back and drift of to sleep with pictures of the places i,ve fished and the fish i,ve caught running through my meagre brain cell. I,ll put some pictures up of the trips when i have time.

Tight lines everyone.



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