Well I haven't posted anything for a good few months as I've been busy on the home front building the other half a photography studio, at the bottom of the garden, and starting the construction of our house extension. All this work makes Bryan a dull boy as I haven't had the chance to wet a line for what feels like an eternity. Never mind I'll make up for it once the build has been completed in the next couple of months. With actual fishing on hold I have had some time to mull over how I want to continue my angling journey. There is so many styles and species that I want to try/catch that sometimes I just can't make my mind up what to do. At the forefront is the good old sergeant major, the perch, who I shall be spending most of my time trying to catch in the new year. I'm hoping to fish the Broads more as well next year as it's such a beautiful place. Also closer to home I'll have a bash at saltwater fishing more. There's plenty more that I,d like t...