Its been a long time since I last had a dangle partially due to the lockdown, starting a new job and quite frankly a 'can,t be arsed' attitude of late. Last weekend I finally thought 'bollix' I,m going to have a mornings fishing no matter what. The local reports have been dire really with very few fish showing in my local river let alone any fish of note, but sod it I thought I,m going regardless. I spent a couple hours saturday afternoon getting my sea gear ready and tying a few rigs ready for the off at first light the following day. I hadn't ordered any worms so bait was going to have to be any old fish I found in my freezer and fortunately I had a good supply sitting ready for me. First light saw me in my van poodling along the country lanes to my chosen destination in thick fog, which wasn't expected. Ten minutes after setting off I had pulled into a lay-by and loaded myself up with rucksack, rods and bait bucket and was setting off for the 1.75 mile walk...