Well i,m finally updating my blog as not a lot has been happening on the fishing front for a while really. I have been so busy with building the colossal extension to my house, i swear it was half the size it has turned out to be on paper, as well as being really busy on the work front. In fact over the past 6 months i dont seem to have stopped at all, i,ve even done a 4 week photography course and been to Turkey on holiday. I have managed a little fishing here and there but results have been a little hit and miss. Now that i can relax a little bit hopefully i shall be updating this here little blog type thingy a bit more regularly.
Right then my lovelies lets begin, Easter this year saw myself and my good lady Shazbo hitch up the crapavan of love and head of to the sunny delights that is Pakefield Caravan Park just outside Lowestoft in Suffolk. We,ve been here before and although i,m not a lover of the surrounding area, its a bit bleeuurrgghh for my liking, i do love the miles and miles of shingle beach here. The park runs right upto the cliffs and is only a couple minutes walk from the touring site to the beach so its great for taking the dogs and obviously having a little dangle.

I only fished the one tide as we were camping with friends so i didn,t want to seem rude and spend all the time fished, although i wish i had. First thing was a trip to the local tackle shop, can,t remember its name but it was only half mile up the road on the way to Lowestoft, where i picked up some lugworm, ragworm and squid. I had a chat with the shops owner who unfortunately advised me not to fish the beach as i,d be lucky to catch anything of note, but i was determined to fish there either way. The next day was a blowy but sunny day so off i trudged loaded with my kit for the gruelling 5 minute walk along the lane, down the steps and then across the shingle. I,m joking about the walk being gruelling it was easy, the hardest part being walking across the shingle. Both rods tackled up with 1 up 1 down set ups and away they went into the by now choppy sea. Sharon took these action pictures.

As soon as the baits hit the water i was getting rattles on the rod tips which had me jumping to the rods in excitement. After missing a couple of good tugs i started to get in the 'zone' and managed to hook a couple of the rattlers. Initially i was pulling in small whiting which was great fun but i was hoping for something a little bigger. Then around high tide the bites started to change slightly and i was missing them more frequently so i started to give them a little more time before trying to connect. This seemed to do the job as soon i had a lovely little dab flapping around in the surf. This was followed by a few more and a double header of dab and whiting.
I had fished a couple hours up and a couple hours down and probably landed over 20 small dab and whiting, which i was really happy about. I know there was no monsters caught but i thoroughly enjoyed myself even though we had 2 really freaky heavy storms roll in from nowhere and drench me. Overall a nice weekend away was enjoyed by myself, Sharon and our doogles.
Right then my lovelies lets begin, Easter this year saw myself and my good lady Shazbo hitch up the crapavan of love and head of to the sunny delights that is Pakefield Caravan Park just outside Lowestoft in Suffolk. We,ve been here before and although i,m not a lover of the surrounding area, its a bit bleeuurrgghh for my liking, i do love the miles and miles of shingle beach here. The park runs right upto the cliffs and is only a couple minutes walk from the touring site to the beach so its great for taking the dogs and obviously having a little dangle.
I only fished the one tide as we were camping with friends so i didn,t want to seem rude and spend all the time fished, although i wish i had. First thing was a trip to the local tackle shop, can,t remember its name but it was only half mile up the road on the way to Lowestoft, where i picked up some lugworm, ragworm and squid. I had a chat with the shops owner who unfortunately advised me not to fish the beach as i,d be lucky to catch anything of note, but i was determined to fish there either way. The next day was a blowy but sunny day so off i trudged loaded with my kit for the gruelling 5 minute walk along the lane, down the steps and then across the shingle. I,m joking about the walk being gruelling it was easy, the hardest part being walking across the shingle. Both rods tackled up with 1 up 1 down set ups and away they went into the by now choppy sea. Sharon took these action pictures.
As soon as the baits hit the water i was getting rattles on the rod tips which had me jumping to the rods in excitement. After missing a couple of good tugs i started to get in the 'zone' and managed to hook a couple of the rattlers. Initially i was pulling in small whiting which was great fun but i was hoping for something a little bigger. Then around high tide the bites started to change slightly and i was missing them more frequently so i started to give them a little more time before trying to connect. This seemed to do the job as soon i had a lovely little dab flapping around in the surf. This was followed by a few more and a double header of dab and whiting.
I had fished a couple hours up and a couple hours down and probably landed over 20 small dab and whiting, which i was really happy about. I know there was no monsters caught but i thoroughly enjoyed myself even though we had 2 really freaky heavy storms roll in from nowhere and drench me. Overall a nice weekend away was enjoyed by myself, Sharon and our doogles.
Nice blog - well done on the Dabs, a bit rare along my stretch