Well i guess i should start off by wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year and hope that this one will bring many pb,s and memorable fishing moments. I,m hoping that i will be able to get out on the bank more this year as i feel like i,ve barely fished at all during the 2013 period. I guess my tackle business,, has taken a lot of my time as well as moving house. Never mind as i,m determined to change all that this year.

During the holiday period i have been taking the dogs for nice long walks and have used this time to explore a few local marks for their fishing suitability. I,ve found a cracking venue no more than 5 miles away from my home which i,ve known about for a while but as yet not been there to explore. Well i,ve now walked a GOOD few miles along this stretch of tidal estuary and have found a couple of cracking looking spots to have a try for bass during the spring and summer as well as for the flounder which i know will be running up this estuary very soon to spawn. In fact i,ll be trying for the flounder very soon as there should be a few around along with some whiting before they move out.

I enjoy walking the rough wilderness of our Essex estuaries and love to watch the local wildlife go about their business as i quietly stroll by, well as quietly as i can with 2 mad dogs in tow. Recently i,ve enjoyed watching the skeins of geese noisily lift from the mudflats and settle in the nearby fields as the tide comes in, as well as the bright white egrets as they stand motionless in the small creeks than run along the shoreline. I,ve even seen a local seal floating a few yards from shore keeping an eye on my dogs as they run along the waterline. Most of the days have been pretty wild, with strong winds and lashing rain, but these are the days that i love to be out in, and the dogs don,t mind.

The only disappointment i,ve had with these walks is that the weather has been too wild to take any nice pictures to put on here, but i,ll get some soon.......


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