I managed to finish a little job an hour earlier than expected earlier in the week and ended up with a little free time on my hands as i couldn,t start the next job for a while. Sitting in my van i racked my brains as to what i could do with this spare, and very rare, hour. I was too far from Waterbouy Towers to pop back there, too far from a local town to grab a coffee, and too far from any friends who i can drop in on for a chin wag. What to do thought i........
A local country park was only a couple minutes drive away so i decided to pop in there for a nice leisurely stroll around the lake that resides in the middle of the grounds. Once parked up, and after having paid £3 for the pleasure, i walked along the gravel pathway and down the hill towards the lake.
I walked along the trail beneath the canopy of mature trees, which fortunately sheltered me from the light shower of rain that had just started, and then rounded a corner at the end and looked straight across a beautiful mature lake as the broken sun shone over half the surface. I,d forgotten how lovely it was there. Ducks slowly started to drift towards me in expectation of a bread snack, pigeons were flapping out of the tress as i disturbed them, and lots of fish dimpled on the surface of the lake as if to welcome my visit. It really was a wonderful sight and o breathed deeply as all the stresses of modern life slowly started to flow away.
I took a leisurely stroll around the lake and watched as tench bubbles rose in one corner and what looked like a carp bulldozed its way through the lillies at the far end. If memory serves me this lake used hold some half decent sized carp along with some nice size pike. It wouldn,t surprise me if they were still there as it looks like it doesn,t get fished much, just visited by families wanting to walk the dog and feed the ducks. A mental note was made of a couple of areas that could be worth a try at a later date and i was back up the trail to the van and off to earn a living.
This water is definately a hidden beauty and i will be back to have a dangle to see what lives beneath those lilly pads........
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