Two weekends ago i took the dogs for a nice walk locally at Paglesham on the River Roach. This is a favourite walk of mine as there ,s a lot of wildlife to see and its quite remote so i can let the boys of their leads and let them run riot. And run riot they did too........
The tide was out when we got there which was a shame as Harry loves to have a swim about, but that didn,t deter him as he was off straight across the mud to the channel followed hot on his heels by Oscar. Boy did they get covered in glorious sticky, stinky Essex estuary mud, they loved it....
It was a bit overcast and windy when we arrived there which was ideal as far as i was concerned as i,m not a lover of being out in the extreme sun that we have been getting. But shortly after our arrival the clouds disappeared and out came the sun to boil my brain cell. I,m always a bit wary when i,m walking the dogs in the real heat and sun as they run constantly and it concerns me that they might wear themselves out a bit too much.I need not of worried though as the dogs were fine in the heat, it was me who waned a little.

I,ve enjoyed taking a few videos when i,ve been out and about lately so i,v included a couple here.
The tide was out when we got there which was a shame as Harry loves to have a swim about, but that didn,t deter him as he was off straight across the mud to the channel followed hot on his heels by Oscar. Boy did they get covered in glorious sticky, stinky Essex estuary mud, they loved it....
It was a bit overcast and windy when we arrived there which was ideal as far as i was concerned as i,m not a lover of being out in the extreme sun that we have been getting. But shortly after our arrival the clouds disappeared and out came the sun to boil my brain cell. I,m always a bit wary when i,m walking the dogs in the real heat and sun as they run constantly and it concerns me that they might wear themselves out a bit too much.I need not of worried though as the dogs were fine in the heat, it was me who waned a little.
I,ve enjoyed taking a few videos when i,ve been out and about lately so i,v included a couple here.
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