A few weeks ago Ryan and myself fished the Fens for a weekend with our expectations high with the thoughts of big pike and glass eyed zander rolling through our heads. We opted to fish a drain that we havn,t ventured upon before to see how it fairs compared to our usual haunts. After a bit of driving around we found a nice looking stretch and set about roving along its length. After a couple of moves I had a run on my livebait but totally missed it as I was day dreaming. We moved along to the start or a reeded area and swung out our baits, my two being a free roaming livie and a deadbait and Ryans being two deads. Within 5mins I had the shout from Ryan to signal he was into a fish, as I got closer to him the shout turned into a more urgent "hurry the fook up its a goodun" tone. And she was a goodun too, after a couple of runs I deftly, I,m getting good at netting other peoples fish, scooped up the pike and proceeded to carry her up the bank. She was a big girl for sure but still quite thin and on the scales she went 22lb exactly, his third Fenland 20lber, two from the Ouse and this one. To say we were both well chuffed would of been an understatement..........................
The rest of the weekend resulted in a couple of jacks to me and a 5lb zander to Ryan. But the sight of that beautiful big pike made it all worthwhile, and as the picture shows it actually put a smile on The Miserable Ones face :)


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