
Showing posts from April, 2014


Just thought i,d put this short clip on of my golden retriever Harry enjoying himself paddling in a small brook in the New Forest. I,m not the only one who likes messing about in the water. I don,t know why it recorded without sound though.


A couple of weekends ago i had a pass from the better half to spend the day fishing as she was going to be in London cheering on a friend who was running in the London Marathon, well done Sam Monks. With this in mind i had to make a quick decision as to what species and where i wanted to fish. With the old brain cell clunking and creaking i opted to have a spot off sea fishing at a favourite mark of mine in hope of an early thornback ray. Rumour had it that there had been a few caught lately and considering i had just received my gate key i decided to try Holiwell Point on the River Crouch. It would of been rude not too. Having loaded my tackle into the van the night before i set the allarm clock to wake me at 7am so that i could get to my mark at low water as i wanted a scout around first and also to see if i could find a few peeler crab under the rocks. Well in a nut shell i overslept and arrived 2 hours later than i had hoped but still 3 hours before high tide. I had a little mooc...


I,ve been sitting in the office at WATERBOUY towers this afternoon bored stiff and not really wanting to do any actual work. So i,ve been surfing the web and gathering information on fishing for and catching stingrays from my local coastline, as well as browsing the various fishing related groups on facebook. One group in particular has been keeping my attention and that is the FISHING PHOTOGRAPHY group, and as the name suggests its about sharing fishing related pictures. Some of the pictures are fantastic, not just through the composition or clarity or anything technical like that, but simply because they evoke the feelings that you get when you turn up on the banks of certain waters and you feel relaxed, at piece and excited all at once. I,ve posted a couple of my pictures on there too and had a few likes which is nice, but really i,m just happy to browse through the picture that some of the other chaps have posted. With this in mind i,ve trolled through my fishing picture archive an...


Late friday afternoon i arrived at my new syndicate water with tench, and to a lesser degree carp, on my mind. First thing to be done was to have a little walk around the areas that i,d ear marked for attention, no mean feat considering this water is hovering around the 100 acre mark and its long. Parking up in one of the car parks i could see 3 other cars so i opted to take a little walk along the arm towards the shallow end as this area has mature trees on both banks as well as nice reed beds and the bed is silty with years of decaying leaf mulch from the surrounding trees, also this is where the original river used to run before the area was flooded. Sods law dictates that the swims that i had an interest in fishing were already taken, but thats fishing for you. A quick chat with one of the carpers revealed that a couple of tench had been caught from this arm earlier in the week. I was tempted to set up further along the bank but opted to give it a miss as to be honest i didn,t real...


As a last minute send of to the season i opted to have a couple of hours after the perch at a local marina. Technique was float fished small livebaits left to swim around the boats hopefully attracking the intentions of a hungry sargeant. I fished a couple of my usual hotspots but unfortunately they didn,t produce even a nibble. A move a couple of boats along and i landed a small turbo charged little pike nicely hooked in the scissors. Another move to the end of the marina by the lock gate and i could see shoals of fry scattering across the surface as something with teeth chased them from below. A gentle flick of the float and my bait was settling through the depths when an eruption around my float saw a mahoosive perch snatch the small roach. Unfortunately the hooks didn,t connect and i reeled in with my heart thumping. A new livie was in the same spot a minute later and, as before, the float sunk out of sight before another explosion on the surface as the same monster again gra...