Seeing as we were staying a stones throw from the North Norfolk coast it would of been rude not to of wet a line for a few hours at least once whilst i was there. So thats what i did one evening while Sharon and her friend were happily quaffing Prosecco as the kids were playing with the bogs i sneakily loaded up the van with some gear headed towards the shingle beach at Weybourne, which screamed bass!!!!!!
I arrived at the car park hoping to set up in front of a storm pipe just over the shingle as i though this might be a good spot to try, but unfortunately it was taken and there was another half a dozen or so people fishing to the left. No problems thought i, i,d just have a little walk across the shingle to the right hand side and fish beneath the cliffs. Boy did i forget how difficult it is to walk on shingle when you have all your fishing tackle with you....
My first rod was set up and out went a 2 hook flapper rig baited with lugworm on the bottom hook and ragworm on the top. Only gently lobbed around 30 yards out as advised. As i was just finishing baiting the second rod i noticed a nod on the tip of the cast rod. As i turned to watch it in expectation it thumped down twice and i was up and on it within the blink of an eye. With rod in hand, ooo eerrr missus, i waited for another knock which quickly came, followed by a swift strike and quick reel in to tighten the line. I didn,t feel any resistance at fisrt, then a thump knock knock was transferred along the rod to my hands. With my heart in my mouth i carefully reeled whatever was fighting at the end of my line, all the while hoping it was a bass. Eventually i saw a bar of silver flash in the waves and then there it was lying on the shingle at my feet. My first ever Norfolk bass. Although it was only just sizeable i was over the moon and quickly took a couple of pictures with the phone before unhooking and carefully slipping it back into its watery home. I was one very happy bunny indeed.
On my previous visit i had stopped and had a chat with a local husband and wife fishing team who knew the area quite well. They explained to me that the beach dropped off close in and was good for bass just a 20-30 yard lob out just past the shelf. When the weather was a lot wilder the following day when we visited you could actually see the start of the shelf as the waves pulled back. So armed with their advice still ringing in my ears and some fresh lugworm and ragworm from the local tackle shop in Sheringham i was back to hopefully winkle out a plump bass.
I chose my spot, sat down and had caught my breath while looking out to sea as the waves crashed noisely on the shingle shoreline. Oh how i love that sound..........................
My first rod was set up and out went a 2 hook flapper rig baited with lugworm on the bottom hook and ragworm on the top. Only gently lobbed around 30 yards out as advised. As i was just finishing baiting the second rod i noticed a nod on the tip of the cast rod. As i turned to watch it in expectation it thumped down twice and i was up and on it within the blink of an eye. With rod in hand, ooo eerrr missus, i waited for another knock which quickly came, followed by a swift strike and quick reel in to tighten the line. I didn,t feel any resistance at fisrt, then a thump knock knock was transferred along the rod to my hands. With my heart in my mouth i carefully reeled whatever was fighting at the end of my line, all the while hoping it was a bass. Eventually i saw a bar of silver flash in the waves and then there it was lying on the shingle at my feet. My first ever Norfolk bass. Although it was only just sizeable i was over the moon and quickly took a couple of pictures with the phone before unhooking and carefully slipping it back into its watery home. I was one very happy bunny indeed.
After that first bite it was a little quite for an hour before i had a few more little knocks, possibly little schoolies but they might of been crabs as i did reel in a rather large edible crab after a few knocks. I didn,t catch anymore fish but to be honest i was bothered as that one bass really made it for me.......
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